Cost of Living Report No.31 General Update

Cost of Living Report No.31 General Update

NTCOSS has released the 31st Cost of Living Report. This General Update Report reveals that significant cost of living pressures have emerged and intensified for Territorians over the past year, with remote areas disproportionately affected. The report shows that...
Cost of Living Report No. 30

Cost of Living Report No. 30

In its 30th Cost of Living Report released 13 July 2021, the Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) highlights that as more and more services move online, many Territorians are struggling to afford their telecommunications. Loading… Click here to...
Cost of Living Report No. 29

Cost of Living Report No. 29

Poverty reduced in the NT but only short lived In its 29th Cost of Living Report released today, the Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) highlights that the Federal Government’s Coronavirus Supplement payments have prevented thousands of Territory...
Cost of Living Report No.31 General Update

Cost of Living Report No. 28

Regional and remote areas doing it toughest In its 28th Cost of Living Report released today, the Northern Territory Council of Social Service, (NTCOSS) highlights the extent to which certain households are doing it tough.While some of those on the lowest incomes in...

Cost of Living Update No. 27

In its 27th Cost of Living Report Update released this week, the Northern Territory Council of Social Service, (NTCOSS) shows the extent that households are doing it tough. Some of those doing it the toughest will finally get some relief with the doubling of Newstart...

Cost of Living Report No. 26

The Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) released its 26th Cost of Living Report today, highlighting the unaffordability of utilities in the NT for low income households and calling for an extension to concession schemes and government assistance....