International students in Darwin are being pushed to the brink as living costs soar across Australia

‘No buffer’ to ride cost-of-living pressures

International students, particularly in the NT, are among the worst affected.

A recent Northern Territory Council of Social Services (NTCOSS) report shows cost rises in several areas are well above national averages.

NTCOSS policy officer Sarah Holder said low-income earners, such as many international students, are hit hardest. 

“The cost of living in the Northern Territory has increased significantly for key services and living costs, including housing, transport and fuel,” she said.

Ms Holder said Darwin’s consumer price index (CPI) was significantly higher than the rest of the country. 

“For example, the CPI for housing rose by around 16 per cent in Darwin compared to four per cent nationally, and fuel rose by just over 41 per cent in Darwin compared to just over 32 per cent nationally,” she said. 

“For people like international students, they’re not actually eligible for income support measures, so they actually really don’t have any buffer to be able to ride out these increases in cost of living.”

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