Welcoming Chief Minister Natasha Fyles

The Northern Territory Council of Social Service welcomes the swearing in of new Chief Minister Natasha Fyles today. 

NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale said the swift changeover in Labor leadership provides stability and certainty for the sector. 

“Like many in the NT Community Sector we noted with great interest the resignation of Chief Minister Michael Gunner this week,” Deborah Di Natale said. 

“Michael Gunner will be remembered for his leadership through the covid pandemic, for his efforts to empower Aboriginal Territorians through the development of an Aboriginal Justice Agreement, and for elevating issues of Domestic Family and Sexual Violence, through the release of the DFSV Reduction Framework 2018-2028.”

“We want to thank Michael Gunner for his commitment to the Northern Territory and wish him and his family all the best.” 

Ms Di Natale said today’s announcement of a new Chief Minister was excellent news for the sector. 

“We are thrilled today to see the swearing in of Natasha Fyles as Chief Minister and offer our sincere congratulations,” Deborah Di Natale said.

“The NT Community Sector has been a critical frontline in the covid pandemic and we know the new Chief Minister has a strong understanding of the part Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and non-government organisations have played in protecting Territorians.” 

“We know Chief Minister Fyles will put her own stamp on this role and we look forward to working closely with her and her team over the coming years.”

Media Contact: 0487 888 753 or media@ntcoss.org.au