Ticks, crosses and political promises after the 2020 NT Election Leaders Debate

Last night the Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) held its 2020 NT Election Leaders Debate challenging the ALP, CLP, Territory Alliance and the Greens on five key areas of reform.

Deborah Di Natale, CEO of NTCOSS said the debate was fast moving, lively and a number of promises were made.

“We had bipartisan commitment on the 10 year Framework to reduce the impact of domestic, family and sexual violence and to fund work under the Action Plans.

“Unfortunately there was no appetite from the major parties to raise the age of criminal responsibility to fourteen,” said Ms Di Natale.

This election, NTCOSS has focussed on five key areas where government can help ensure Territorians can live a life free from poverty and disadvantage, and developed a scorecard to help voters rate the political parties.

“Ticks mean a party has promised to deliver our election ask, a cross means there was no clear commitment,” said Ms Di Natale.

“It is disappointing not to see more ticks, but useful for voters to know where the parties stand on these issues which effect every part of the Territory community.”

Ms Di Natale said this week NTCOSS released a cost of living report that shows just how tough some people are doing it in the NT, and how desperately political action is needed.

“The not-for-profit human services sector is an important element in sustaining and growing the Northern Territory economy.

“It would do well for all political parties to keep in mind that we contribute more dollars to the economy than the mining sector. “


The Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) is the peak body for the Social and Community Sector in the NT and an advocate for social justice on behalf of people and communities in the NT, who may be affected by poverty and disadvantage.

For more information on NTCOSS Election Asks visit: https://ntcoss.org.au/2020-nt-election/

For media enquiries contact Kate Sieper: 0466 745 615