Locking in New NT Ministers Provides Welcome Stability

The Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) welcomes the appointment of the new NT Government Ministers announced earlier today. These appointments are not only a reflection of the diversity from across the Territory, but also see the welcome appointment of a senior minister from the Central Australian region.

NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale said it was great to see Kate Worden continue as the Minister for Territory Families and Minister for Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, with the inclusion of Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services.

“Minister Worden has worked extensively with the NT Community Sector and specialist DFSV services to achieve on a national and Territory level,” Deborah Di Natale said.

“This consistency will allow us to build on that work. The addition of Police, Fire and Emergency Services to Minister Worden’s portfolio is welcomed, and we look forward to working with the Minister across the full spectrum of her portfolios”.

NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale also welcomed the swearing in of Chansey Paech as the next NT Attorney-General.

“This announcement is a win for Central Australia and we are very excited to be working with Chansey Paech under this new role,” Deborah Di Natale said.

“We acknowledge the work done on the Aboriginal Justice Agreement under the outgoing Attorney-General, Selena Uibo.”

“The AJA will be a transformative piece for the Territory and we look forward to working on this critical piece of work with the new Attorney-General.”

With the need for urgent action on climate change and energy efficiency in the NT, NTCOSS looks forward to working with Selena Uibo as the new Minister for Renewables and Energy and Lauren Moss as the Minister for Climate Change and Water Security.

The full list of the new cabinet appointments can be viewed [here]

Media Contact: 0487 888 753 or media@ntcoss.org.au