Tennant Creek Transport

Tennant Creek Transport

21/09/15 | News

Tennant Creek Transport (TCT) launches a New Disability Friendly Bus – which will now operate on the fixed Bus Route Service around the town of Tennant Creek which is the only public transport in town. Tennant Creek has no taxi.

The members of TCT, a non-profit organisation, are delighted that they have been able to provide equity of access to their services – it means that any person can now catch the bus and access services and agencies in the town centre.

The new bus is licenced to carry 9 passengers or has the capacity to carry 2 wheelchairs at any one time along with a small number of regular passengers. It is the realisation of a dream that the members TCT have worked towards over many years and is a milestone in their development as a transport organisation. The new bus provides state of the art access for all.

The members of TCT have worked very hard to establish a town transport service following a research report commissioned by NTCOSS in 2013 with many volunteer hours provided by a number of key individuals and agencies, determined to develop a local transport solution for the town.

The importance of local buy in and ownership cannot be understated. From the outset the commitment, time, resources, money, and fuel from local individuals, organisations and the committee, has been extraordinary.

3 years of hard work came to fruition with the first ever fixed route bus service in Tennant Creek commencing on Thursday the 24th of July 2014. The service made use of a second hand bus – which we were able to borrow from Barkly Regional Arts. It has served us well but we badly needed a new bus and one that had been modified to be able to make our service inclusive of those with mobility issues.

The group has been successful in gaining a number of small grants from a variety of sources and a subsidy from the NTG that have allowed us to build capacity, promote our service, extend our hours of service and finally purchase this beautiful new bus. Key support has come from the Centrecorp Foundation, the NT Government, the Australian Ethical Foundation, Barkly Shire Council, Anyinginyi Aboriginal Health Corporation and the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal.

There is a lot more to be done to improve transport options for Tennant Creek residents and for those who live more remotely in the Barkly – but today Tennant Creek residents celebrate a milestone – a Fixed Bus Route Service which gives equity of access to all town residents.

TCT may have a small transport service – but it can boast a service that provides access to those with a disability.

For more information contact: Georgina Bracken: Convener Tennant Creek Transport. 0429 621 940

Website: www.tennantcreektransport.org Email: coordinatortct@gmail.com

Address: P O Box 591 Tennant Creek NT 0861

http://www.givenow.com.au/tennantcreektransport – Tax Deductible Gift Donations accepted through this link.