NTCOSS Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee opposing the Continuation of Cashless Welfare Bill 2020

NTCOSS has provided a submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee opposing the Continuation of Cashless Welfare Bill 2020. The Bill aims to make current trial sites permanent and to expand the scheme into the Northern Territory and Cape York.


As has been our long-standing position, any income management should be conducted on an opt-in basis, and that funds allocated for the implementation of a cashless debit card expansion in the NT should be instead invested in communities and job creation, prioritising delivery by Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations.


Instead of directing spending toward punitive programs with no strong evidence as to their success, the Australian Government needs to invest in programs that are driven by communities and for communities that will result in long term, beneficial outcomes.


Meaningful co-design and self-determination must be a cornerstone of any future policy.


For review of the effect of cashless debit cards to date, please click here.

Read the full NTCOSS submission here