NTCOSS Submission to the Modernisation of the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act Review

NTCOSS Submission to the Modernisation of the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act Review

01/02/18 | News

Anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunity laws provide important protections for all citizens, and particularly those facing vulnerability and hardship on the Northern Territory. These laws uphold the values of equity and fairness, which are values that underpin the work of the Northern Territory Council of Social Service and the social service providers we represent.

As contemporary standards and expectations relating to discrimination and equal opportunity progress, the associated laws need to be modernised. This submission is an opportunity to provide feedback on the Northern Territory Government’s ‘Modernisation of the Anti-Discrimination Act’ discussion paper. The submission from NTCOSS addresses just some of the proposed changes to the Act.

Link: NTCOSS Submission to the Modernisation of the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Act Review