NTCOSS joins organisations calling for the Federal Government’s stimulus spending to be directed to social housing

NTCOSS has joined more than 300 organisations calling for the Federal Government’s stimulus spending to be directed to social housing.


In an open letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the @everybodys home campaign calls for the construction of 30,000 social housing properties over four years, not only to deliver families much needed secure housing but to also create some 18,000 jobs.


Spending on social housing and homelessness has been largely static for the past decade, at an annual rate of about $1.5 billion.


“Federal governments have intervened during earlier times of crisis.


“The post 2nd World War public housing boom was the result of bipartisan support for a national building program that helped lead Australia’s economic recovery and keep its citizens housed.


“Federal social housing investment after Cyclone Tracy and the Global Financial Crisis was also instrumental in helping our communities and local economies rebuild.


“Housing is a fundamental need and our national response must rise above state boundaries or party politics. From Chifley and Menzies to Whitlam and Fraser housing programs worked because they were driven by national leadership. This tradition must be honoured.


“We urge the Federal Government to lead a social investment program to ensure we keep Australians housed and our construction industry building.”


Please click here to read the letter.