NTCOSS calls for fairness and equity ahead of NT Election

The Northern Territory Council of Social Service is urging all political parties and candidates to commit to policies that prioritise fairness and equity for all Territorians ahead of the NT Election.
Many Territorians are doing it tough due to the soaring cost of living and are struggling to put a roof over their heads, food on the table and petrol in the car.
NTCOSS, the peak body for the Social and Community Sector in the NT, has produced the 2024 Northern Territory Election Priorities document, which you can read here.
This document presents answers to the challenges we face including addressing the housing shortage and unacceptably high level of homelessness, domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) and related homicides, and more.
We can address these challenges as a sector and support community-based solutions. We just need those solutions to be supported and funded long term.
“How can we continue to walk by and accept it when so many of our fellow Territorians including many remote Aboriginal Territorians continue to struggle to afford the basics in one of the wealthiest nations in the world?” NTCOSS CEO Sally Sievers said.
“NTCOSS’ 2024 Northern Territory Election Priorities focusses on policy solutions and investments that will make the biggest difference to those who need it most.
“The election on August 24 is a chance for the Territory’s 154,000 voters to exercise their power and have a say over what sort of a Northern Territory they want.”
“These election asks follow detailed work by NTCOSS to produce policy asks that will build a Territory where we all have the opportunity to thrive.”
NTCOSS’ six key election priorities and some of the asks include:
DFSV – i.e. Invest $180 million over five years, which was the NTG’s own recommendation of the minimum to properly deliver its DFSV reduction framework commitments.
Cost of Living – Targeted solutions from NTG to support those in most need, including fixing the concession scheme and improving protections for renters.
Energy & Climate – Implement minimum energy efficiency standards in rental accommodation.
Justice – Invest in solutions that enhance community safety such as funding programs not prisons including building on the the good work on raising the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12, by raising it to 14 as recommended by the UN.
Children & Families – Provide safe environments for children and families to thrive, including properly funding Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to play a central role.
Sector Sustainability – Invest in the sustainability of the community services sector through indexation measures to ensure funding reflects real cost of delivering services and prioritise community sector workforce attraction and retention.
See the NTCOSS 2024 Northern Territory Election page on our website here and the NTCOSS’ 2024 Northern Territory Election Priorities document here.

Contact Greg Roberts 0429 515 013 or media@ntcoss.org.au

The Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) is the peak body for the Social and Community Sector in the NT and an advocate for social justice on behalf of people and communities in the NT, who may be affected by poverty and disadvantage.