
To select an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (or partnership/consortium) to act as a backbone to coordinate the implementation of justice reinvestment in Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounding communities. An incorporated organisation is required for funding purposes.

If a partnership or consortium arrangement is proposed, one organisation must be an incorporated Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation.

1. DESCRIPTION OF justice reinvestment

Justice reinvestment supports communities to:

  • Identify the best ways to prevent and reduce contact with the criminal justice system, by community organisations, members and leaders coming together to agree priorities; coordinate work to drive and lead change; and establish strong governance and capability,
  • Make decisions about the strategies, policies and programs that affect positive change, through accessing and sharing data and decision-making, to inform community priorities and accountability for outcomes between government, community and service providers.

Justice reinvestment is an ongoing practice and process of working together, requiring significant consultation and collaboration within communities and with all levels of government. Strong community engagement, as well as leadership, are vital aspects of successful justice reinvestment initiatives.


The Backbone organisation or partnership/consortium will engage with community and coordinate agreed work. It will establish, support and work with a long-term governance group, to establish and drive justice reinvestment in Alice Springs.

This role requires significant commitment and prospective applicants are encouraged to consider these roles and responsibilities carefully before deciding to apply:

  1. Ongoing engagement with the community including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, non-Indigenous organisations/providers and Traditional Owners, to facilitate community buy-in, collaboration, trust and awareness about justice reinvestment in Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounding communities. The Backbone will need to leverage existing connections and credibility within the Alice Springs community.
  2. Ongoing engagement with the Australian, Northern Territory and Local Governments to lead and drive justice reinvestment in Alice Springs.
  3. Serve as a neutral body and facilitate effective discussions while mediating any conflict among stakeholders. The Backbone will need to be seen as an honest representative working on behalf of the whole community, rather than promoting a single viewpoint or service.
  4. Support the interim and long-term governance arrangements, including transition period of the governance arrangements.
  5. Work in partnership with Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounding communities and across the service system to identify the drivers of contact with the criminal justice system, incarceration and recidivism.
  6. Manage data collection and analysis including engagement of relevant expertise, and develop a holistic measurement tool to enable ongoing improvement.
  7. Develop effective communication and strategies that support positive change and justice outcomes in Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounding communities.
  8. Maintain a long-term commitment to justice reinvestment for Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounding communities. This may require recruitment and retention of one to two staff member(s), with the ability to grow and sustain a small team over time, with expertise and skills in leadership, data, facilitation, strategic thinking, written communication and stakeholder engagement.
  9. Work with community and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to identify potential funding sources to support justice reinvestment goals and priorities in Alice Springs.

3. Selection Criteria

Please respond to each of the five criteria questions set out in Section 3, noting if you are an Alice Springs based organisation you do not need to respond to criteria four. Responses should address the applicant’s approach to establishing, operating, and sustaining a Backbone organisation or consortium that fulfills the roles and responsibilities described in Section 2.

Total response should not exceed 1000 words.

Criteria 1 – Why do you want to serve as the Backbone for this work?

Criteria 2 – How would you plan to promote, staff, and sustain a Backbone organisation?

Criteria 3 – How would your organisation/consortium balance justice reinvestment as a priority of its work, distinct from your organisation/consortium’s current interests? What obstacles might you have to overcome and how would you manage these?

Criteria 4 – If your organisation is not based in Alice Springs, indicate how you will build and sustain relationships within Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounds and is your organisation committed to establishing a physical presence locally?

Criteria 5 – Please detail your expertise in the following key areas:

  • Topical expertise in Justice Reinvestment and/or understanding the key drivers of overrepresentation of Aboriginal adults and youth in the criminal justice system.
  • Cultural Safetyyour organisation’s understanding of what this means? What strategies, guidelines or plans will you put in place to ensure your organisation can deliver culturally appropriate outcomes in collaboration with the community? How will your organisation support a respectful, safe and culturally appropriate engagement process?
  • Regional expertise in Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounding communities including level of knowledge and relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Functional expertise in strategy development, group facilitation, data analysis, and public and community advocacy and communication.

4. REFEREE REPORT – Applicants are asked to supply one completed referee report, using the attached template.

5. submission guidelines

All submissions should be emailed to justicereinvestment@ag.gov.au no later than 9.00am (ACST) on Tuesday 16 May 2023.

All applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your proposal.

6. selection process AND criteria

Each application will be evaluated by a panel; representing the Australian Government, NT Government and up to two independent/non-government representatives.

Applications will be evaluated using consistent criteria developed from the roles and responsibilities of a Backbone outlined in Section 2, and based on each applicant’s responses to the questions in Section 3.


All questions regarding this EOI may be emailed to justicereinvestment@ag.gov.au or alternately you may wish to call Ms Chaudie Wong on 0486 042 290.

Referee Checklist for Expression of Interest to engage a Backbone Organisation

Referee’s name
Position title
Organisation name
Nature and length of engagement with the applicant organisation(s)
Contact phone number

Question 1

Productive working relationships – Describe the applicant’s ability to engage and work in partnership with Aboriginal and government stakeholders including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, service providers, Traditional Owners and the communities of Alice Springs, Town Camps and surrounds.


Question 2

Topical expertise – does the applicant have expertise in justice reinvestment and/or an understanding of the key drivers to the overrepresentation of Aboriginal adults and young people in the criminal justice system?


Question 3

Backbone capability – does the applicant have, or is able to obtain and maintain, the capability to promote, sustain and staff a backbone organisation to coordinate and drive justice reinvestment in Alice Springs?


Question 4

Cultural Safety – Does the applicant understand cultural safety? Do you think the applicant organisation(s) has the ability to engage with community in a culturally safe way and deliver culturally appropriate outcomes?


Question 5

Functional expertise – Does the applicant have expertise in strategy development, group facilitation, data analysis, and public and community advocacy and communication?
