Alcohol-related harm in the Territory falls: Minimum Unit Price report

30 April 2020: The Northern Territory has experienced significant reductions in alcohol-related violence and harm since October 2018, according to the Northern Territory Government’s report into the introduction of a minimum unit price (MUP or floor price) on alcohol.

The evaluation – Investigating the Introduction of the alcohol minimum price in the Northern Territory – is a comparative analysis between the same periods in 2017/18 and 2018/19 and showed:

  • A reduction in alcohol-related emergency department presentations (23%)
  • A reduction in alcohol-related assault offences (17.3%)
  • A reduction in alcohol-related ambulance attendances
  • A reduction in alcohol-related traffic crashes
  • A significant number of additional alcohol harm related reductions.

NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale said that the report’s findings are extremely encouraging that the minimum unit price, along with other harm reduction policies introduced in response to the Riley Review, are resulting in substantial drops in the rate of harm that impact on the Territory.

“The minimum unit price was introduced as part of a suite of alcohol-related measures to reduce harm and the evaluation of the minimum unit price has shown signs that overall harm is being reduced,” said Ms Di Natale.

“The minimum unit price policy is based on sound evidence of contributing to harm reduction and this evaluation in the Territory supports that evidence-base and demonstrates it is working.

“We advocate for evidence-based policy that makes the Northern Territory a healthier and safer place to live, with better outcomes for individuals. This is a good example.

NTCOSS CEO Deborah Di Natale, 0477 888 901