NTCOSS and AADANT Welcome Recent Alcohol Policy Commitments from NTG

NTCOSS and AADANT Welcome Recent Alcohol Policy Commitments from NTG

24/10/16 | Media Releases

Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) and Association of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT) welcome the recent commitments by the new NT Government to move alcohol policy into the Department of Health, to reintroduce the Banned Drinkers Register and to end Mandatory Alcohol Treatment.

The supply, demand and harm reduction approach for alcohol is consistent with current evidence-informed public health policy. The high level of alcohol consumption in the Northern Territory and the significant related issues such as violence, health issues, domestic and family violence, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, road crashes and trauma, absenteeism and legal problems are an ongoing challenge for any government. NTCOSS and AADANT are pleased to see the Northern Territory Government’s commitment to addressing these complex issues early in its term. NTCOSS has long argued for an evidence-informed approach to the Territory’s significant health and social issues surrounding alcohol consumption. Bernie Dwyer, NTCOSS President said, “NTCOSS supports and advocates for a comprehensive plan and implementation process that addresses demand, harm and supply reduction measures for alcohol with articulated, achievable and measurable targets “NTCOSS is committed to working closely with other community services, key stakeholders and the NTG through this process”. AADANT welcomes the Chief Minister’s commitment to the health and welfare of the people of the NT. Nicola Coalter AADANT Deputy Executive Officer said, “The recent communication from the NT Government regarding the re-commitment to work through consultation with the NGO sector to deliver policy and practice that improves the living standards of all is welcome news for all Territorians “AADANT would also like to acknowledge the renewed support and funding provided to NTCOSS which further reinforces the NTG’s pre-election promise to support peak bodies with adequate funding to enhance their activities”.

For further information/media comment: Bernie Dwyer – NTCOSS President 0437 522 782