NT concessions not keeping pace with price changes:Media Release

NT concessions not keeping pace with price changes:Media Release

30/06/15 | Media Releases

A new report by the Northern Territory Council of Social Service shows that a number of concessions, designed to ease cost of living pressures, are simply not keeping pace with price increases, with their value being eroded over time. Prices in nearly all areas of expenditure examined rose faster than the CPI, and much higher in most instances…

The 8th NT Cost of Living Report, released today, examined concessions made available to selected eligible households, by the Territory and Commonwealth Governments. The analysis shows that despite concessions, “people are now paying more on utilities bills, taxi fares and motor vehicle registration fees than they were five years ago”, according to Mr Jonathan Pilbrow, Policy Advisor for NTCOSS.

NTCOSS Media Release Cost of Living Report Concessions – 30 June 2015